Welcome to the Lair of the Rob
The primary point of this blog is to talk about things that interest me, so if you have no 
interest in me then I suggest you move along; nothing to see here folks!

Robbie, Selena & Samantha

Band of the Month


Album of the Month

Snakes & Arrows

Movie of the Month

Cheech n' Chong's:
Up in Smoke

What I'm Currently Doing

World of Warcraft

Friday, May 12, 2006
Terrible Napkins
The things that a bored person does just staggers me. Take myself for example, I just spent nearly two hours redesigning this page. Now why would any sane person do that? I wish I had an explanation that didn't leave me sounding crazy. The sad fact is that there is no explanation. Don't cry for me Argentina, I'll work through the pain with time. Besides, the truth is I never loved you. Through all my wild days and mad exisistance I kept my promise... don't keep your distance.

I realized that I could post nearly anything and the entire population of this crazy planet would hang upon my every word, my every witty sentence. What does that say about the people that inhabit this planet? I think I may actually cry for a civilization that is now eternally lost.

I suppose it's time to give this post some meaning, a little reason in a life of nothing... or a blog of nothing, I haven't fully decided just yet.

As you'll see to the left the band (or artist as this case may be) of the month is the legendary Frank Zappa. Recently I asked myself why it took me so long to give this incredible musician's work a chance, and I had no satisfying answer (talking to myself and not getting decent answers seems to be a pattern in my life).

Anyhow, I picked up 'Strictly Commercial' and was immediately blown away. Since then I have picked up 'Them or Us', 'Tinseltown Rebellion', 'Apostrophe', and 'Sheik Yerbouti', each album being incredible. I'll be getting many more in the months ahead.

One last thing before I let you all go. Since October I have been writing my first novel. The first draft was finished in late December and I have been working on the re-writes and edits since. Today I hope to have finished the 2nd draft of the first half of the novel. I also finally decided on a name, "The Stranger Within'".

Here is a short excerpt:

Stephanie had recently discovered that her husband Travis was living a double life, but that was not the burden currently troubling her mind. Generally when Travis was away, and he was away a lot, he would call Stephanie every other day at noon, she could set her watch by it. In the last few weeks she had not heard from the man at all. She spent day and night beside the one telephone in their home and had not received a single call from her husband. Her nerves were shot, and her sanity was slowly slipping away from her like water down a drain.

That's it for now Kiddies... have a good 'un.
posted by Rob Mallory @ 1:57 AM  
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Name: Rob Mallory
Home: Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States
About Me: I'm nothing special to most of the world, but to my wife & kids I am everything... and that is good enough for me.
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