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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
An Open Letter to my Friend Boa - by Rob
Dear Mr. Boa Constrictor:

How are you today sir? I am fine, but something has been eating at me. Last year when we were in Venice drinking coffee in that small cafe and talking about Jean Luc you turned your head to me and stuck your tongue out. At the time I thought you were just making a gesture at a joke I had told (you remember, the one about the rabbit and the frankfurter), but when I finished my shower of moonsbeam and dove lotion this morning I realized something, you were sniffing me, weren't you?

Boa, I am now worried that I had a bad odor that day that has kept you from coming around anymore. Last week Jean Luc and I were talking about how we had not heard from you in sometime, and how much it hurt our hearts. The long walks on the beach, the car rides through South East Manitoba, even the sail boat rides through the Amazon, all of those are now only memories shared by two, and not the three "Goofateers" as we used to call ourselves. If my stink is the reason for your lack of contact, you need not worry, I have now been taking showers faithfully for almost six whole weeks now (okay, I fell off the wagon once, but nobody is perfect).

Anyhow, I don't have any contact information for you, so I'm hoping that just maybe you searched me out and are reading this very post this very moment.

I miss you my little snake, and hope to hear from you very soon.

Your friend,

p.s. Paula never actually thought you were cold hearted, it was only joke. I have it on good authority that she still loves you.

NP: Dream Theater - Sacraficed Sons
posted by Rob Mallory @ 2:53 AM  
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Name: Rob Mallory
Home: Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States
About Me: I'm nothing special to most of the world, but to my wife & kids I am everything... and that is good enough for me.
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