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Robbie, Selena & Samantha

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Snakes & Arrows

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Cheech n' Chong's:
Up in Smoke

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World of Warcraft

Sunday, May 20, 2007
The Buzzing Buzzes of the Buzzing Buzzard
First off, I suppose I better update on the condition of my little Squishy (Samantha). It turns out that she had an alergic reaction to the shots she got Friday. They are very routine shots... in fact she had the same exact shots a couple months ago. Anyhow, after recieving another shot, and being switched back to her original formula, she seems to be back to her happy old self.

Saturday after all of this we had a party for the 3 pre-school classes at my kids' school. It went mostly okay, although very very few kids from the 3 classes showed up. I feel bad for my wife who put everything into this party to give the kids a great end of year party, but it seems parents just didn't feel the need to let the kids hang out with their friends one final time. Oh well, I still think Janae is a great person for having tried, and I love her even more for it.

Sunday (that was yesterday according to my clock), my daughter and her soccer team (The Dazzling Soccer Bratz) played their final game of the season. Selena even got a point... for the wrong team, but oh well, she still got a point and I'm counting it (and can you really fault a father for being so proud of his little girl?). It was obvious the girls were having fun, and even though they didn't win, I could not be prouder of my little bucket.

anhow, that's all for the moment...

NP: Neal Morse 'One'
posted by Rob Mallory @ 11:21 AM  
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Name: Rob Mallory
Home: Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States
About Me: I'm nothing special to most of the world, but to my wife & kids I am everything... and that is good enough for me.
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