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Friday, January 18, 2008
A story I'm writing with Janae for fun
I'm tired of walking. I wish we could stop. I need water.
We have been driven from our home. It's so late so dark.
Mom's crying.Dad's yelling. My brother and sister are crying. We all just want to go back home. And yet we all know that that is not possible. We will not stop tell we get to George town. That's where my Aunt lives. Please God I hope we make it.

The men came as we we're all asleep. They took us from our bed's put us in a truck. We drove to the woods and they told us to get out and start walking. And that we could never return home. That they would make sure we did not come home. We asked why,why.
They said never mind just walk.

So here we are walking we have been walking for over 3hrs. We dont know how long it will take us to get to Aunt Amanda's. I'm hungry and tired. I wish the sun would come up. I'm scared.

The coldness is biting into my skin. At first it wasn't too bad, but as time passes we get even colder. My parents are arguing about something, but I've blocked them out, I can't hear it anymore.

My mind is a jumble of mixed emotions; where is everyone else, why were we taken from our home, will we ever go back, is Tyler okay? About half hour ago Jenny, my little sister, stepped on a piece of glass but we could not stop to properly take care of her so we've been taking turns carrying her. Luckily she is not too heavy, so even though she gets passed often each of us are able to take a shift.

It's hard to believe that just 4 hours ago I was at home sleeping safely in bed. Sure I had to get up in the morning and go to a school I hate, and take a test that I knew I was going to fail, but I would give anything to have that back. Nothing is worse than being forced to do something and not know why. I know I'm with my family but I feel so utterly alone, and more scared than I have ever been in my life.

A gun shot comes at us from out of the night, and we have no idea where from. It sounded maybe two or three miles back. The gun shot was horrifying in and of itself, but the blood curdling scream that followed it was the worst part. The scream sounds like it came from a child, no more than ten years old.

My mother just passed me Jenny, who is still crying. Dad took the glass out of her bare foot, but it is still bleeding, and she needs medical attention. I feel so bad for her, my heart aches and I pray that this will end soon. I can almost feel the blood fall on to my leg, but there is nothing that I can do but reassure her that everything will be okay, and that we'll be at Aunt Amanda's soon, but deep inside I feel that is a lie. I feel it's a lie because everything just feels wrong.

Then as I was holding Jenny I can remember my teacher telling us how to stop the bleeding on a cut. So I took my shirt off and tryed to stop the bleeding. I layed her down in the ditch. I told my dad to give me his shrit to keep her warm. After about 20mins the bleeding stopped. There was a little puddle that looked clear. So I cleaned up her foot and saw that it wasn't that bad. It would just hurt for a while. I took Jenny to the bath room. At first she would not go. I had to tell her this is the only way at the time. After we had all sat and got some rest we began to walk again. It was 4:30 at this point. I was kinda happy because the sun would be up soon. I just dont understand why know cars have come by. Where are we? Are we going the right way? Man I'm so hungry. I'm about to eat this grass. The cows do it how bad can it be. My mom and dad are a little bitt ahead talking. At least there not yelling anymore. My brother Jon is right in front of me holding Jenny. Soon it will be light. Thank God for light. It is now 5a.m. about 1 to 1 hr and a half to the sun comes up.

1 Hour Later:

The sun is playing on the horizon, but with it only comes more despair. As more light touches the Earth we can now see other people walking in these god forsaken woods. They all look to be in the same boat as us, siking to the bottom of the ocean in dark despair.

All around us people are walking but saying nothing. Some of the people are bleeding, and others are covered in blood that may not be theirs, in fact I'm pretty sure it is not. I try to speak but nothing will come out... maybe that's for the best. Even if I could speak what would I say? Besides it doesn't look like anyone would answer me.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see a man running towards my father, but it was too late to warn him. In the flash of an eye the man pulled a knife and stabbed my dad in the neck. Blood erupted from the wound like water from a hose on a hot summer day. The attacker quickly ran off for another group of people and stabbed a young child, no more than five years old. Before anybody could stop to think the man pulled a gun out of his pocket and shot himself.

"Dad", I screamed running to him. My mom stood speechless next to him, staring at the blood pouring out of his neck. He started gasping for breath but could no longer draw air. I did all that I could to save him but it was too late, two minutes later my daddy died.
posted by Rob Mallory @ 1:51 AM  
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Name: Rob Mallory
Home: Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States
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