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Robbie, Selena & Samantha

Band of the Month


Album of the Month

Snakes & Arrows

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Cheech n' Chong's:
Up in Smoke

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World of Warcraft

Friday, January 25, 2008
Bootleg: Rush - Live In Buffalo, NY (05-21-1980)
Rush's 'Permanent Waves' tour has one of my very favorite setlists. The band rip through four out of six songs from 'PeW' as well as some of the best from their back catalogue. Unfortunately it is hard to find good shows from this tour (even though the Kiel show is probably the best sounding boot from the band, it is incomplete) so I have to settle for decent shows. 'Live In Buffalo, NY' is one of the decent shows.

First off, the sound is quite muted and overall a bit distant but all of the instruments do come through pretty well most of the time. There aren't any annoying distractions from the obviously fired up audience (well, some lady during the intro for "Natural Science" did scare the hell out of me), and that is always a plus.

Now on to the music: The band is right on this night. They tear through an inspired rendition of the abbreviated "2112" that has been a staple in the set since it's release in 1976. Geddy is fairly talkative tonight. The vocal phrasing on the older songs is pretty much static this tour so don't be surprised when there are obvious changes in tunes like "By-Tor and the Snow Dog" and the closing medley.

A couple highlights for me are an inspired rendition of "Natural Science", the abbreviated "Hemispheres" with some VERY cool effects (though Geddy does strain a bit on some of the vocals), an absolutely smoking "A Passage To Bangkok", and the afformentioned closing medley.

I've heard a lot of Rush shows in my life, some of them absolutely horrible (the 'ATWAS' tour New Years Eve show), and I've heard some smoking shows (several 'T4E' shows for example) and I can say this is about middle of the pack, listenable and very enjoyable.

NP: Rush - A Passage To Bangkok
posted by Rob Mallory @ 12:33 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Selena Taylor Mallory
Selena Taylor Mallory
Born: March 10th, 2003

I find it hard to believe that Selena will be 5 years old about a month and a half. I'll never forget the hectic night before she was born, leading into the day of her birth. I had an errand to run to my friend Erts house, and when I left I found I had a flat tire. Luckily Nick fixed it. The morning of the 10th we dropped Robbie off at my moms and went to the hospital. The delivering doctor was late and so was Selena (obviously). This time Janae was conscious and got to spend a few brief moments with our first daughter.

Selena was named after Rush drummer Neil Peart's daughter, and I think the name is just beautiful.

I love my daughter, and always have, but she was a bit of a nightmare as a baby. She cried nearly non stop and needed constant attention (much like today :) . The picture of her in her Christmas dress here is one of my very favorite pictures of Selena. I just love the pose, and she loves to pose. She has always been a kid that loves getting her picture taken. On the flip side of the coin, she loves to look at pictures, often getting in to our photo album and going through them asking about a thousand questions.
When Selena arrived, Robbie was very reserved towards her. He tried to keep his distance and looked at her with curiosity. Thankfully it didn't take him long to realize that this baby was here to stay. He wasn't always trying to help with her, but when he did it was always with a smile on her face.

When she was newborn she had to go back to the hospital fairly soon after she came home because she had a horrible case of jaundice. In almost all of her newborn pictures she is noticably yellow. One of the hardest things I've ever done was leave her alone in a hospital room one of the nights she was there. Looking back I wish either Janae and I would have stayed. Thankfully she was soon able to come home, and has been a pain in the ass ever since.

I'll never forget the first time I held Selena, namely because she peed all over me, it was a major bummer dude (haha). Selena is a child of many nicknames, and one of her first was "poopers". Why you ask? Because the first time I ever changed her she decided to shoot poo at me, it was one of the most disgusting things I have ever been party to in my life.

Selena is a very happy kid, who more often than not has a huge smile plastered on her beautiful face. She is also a very funny kid. Sometimes out of nowhere she will start laughing uncontrollably, we often do not know why. She also loves to read. If given a choice of things to do, most times she will grab a book and either asked to have it read to her, or make up her own story to go with the pictures. She is very creative, and I think she may be a writer someday.

She also loves school. This picture is of her first day of full day pre-school, and she is doing great in school. Her teacher says she is very smart and she works very hard at making others happy, and to make the other kids like her. Selena also likes to sing, and has a very pretty voice for a child of her age. She wrote her first song when she was only 3 (I believe). A fun little ditty called "I Wash My Hair".
I wash my hair
I wash my hair
I wash my hair (bend the pitch of the last word repeatedly until out).
When Samantha was born in January of 2007 Selena became a big sister and was constantly trying to help out with the baby. Trying to feed her, hug her, and give the baby her constant attention (which was sometimes a real pain in the ass, but that is okay). This is a picture of all three of monkey's in a tree. You can see that out of the three Selena is without a doubt the goofiest of the lot. I think she gets that from me, and that is just fine, because she is my little princess, and I love her with all of my heart.

And so to my little bucket, this is in tribute to you. I love you bean bag, I always have, and always will. You are my princess, and I wouldn't trade you for the world.

posted by Rob Mallory @ 11:44 PM   12 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
A story I'm writing with Janae for fun
I'm tired of walking. I wish we could stop. I need water.
We have been driven from our home. It's so late so dark.
Mom's crying.Dad's yelling. My brother and sister are crying. We all just want to go back home. And yet we all know that that is not possible. We will not stop tell we get to George town. That's where my Aunt lives. Please God I hope we make it.

The men came as we we're all asleep. They took us from our bed's put us in a truck. We drove to the woods and they told us to get out and start walking. And that we could never return home. That they would make sure we did not come home. We asked why,why.
They said never mind just walk.

So here we are walking we have been walking for over 3hrs. We dont know how long it will take us to get to Aunt Amanda's. I'm hungry and tired. I wish the sun would come up. I'm scared.

The coldness is biting into my skin. At first it wasn't too bad, but as time passes we get even colder. My parents are arguing about something, but I've blocked them out, I can't hear it anymore.

My mind is a jumble of mixed emotions; where is everyone else, why were we taken from our home, will we ever go back, is Tyler okay? About half hour ago Jenny, my little sister, stepped on a piece of glass but we could not stop to properly take care of her so we've been taking turns carrying her. Luckily she is not too heavy, so even though she gets passed often each of us are able to take a shift.

It's hard to believe that just 4 hours ago I was at home sleeping safely in bed. Sure I had to get up in the morning and go to a school I hate, and take a test that I knew I was going to fail, but I would give anything to have that back. Nothing is worse than being forced to do something and not know why. I know I'm with my family but I feel so utterly alone, and more scared than I have ever been in my life.

A gun shot comes at us from out of the night, and we have no idea where from. It sounded maybe two or three miles back. The gun shot was horrifying in and of itself, but the blood curdling scream that followed it was the worst part. The scream sounds like it came from a child, no more than ten years old.

My mother just passed me Jenny, who is still crying. Dad took the glass out of her bare foot, but it is still bleeding, and she needs medical attention. I feel so bad for her, my heart aches and I pray that this will end soon. I can almost feel the blood fall on to my leg, but there is nothing that I can do but reassure her that everything will be okay, and that we'll be at Aunt Amanda's soon, but deep inside I feel that is a lie. I feel it's a lie because everything just feels wrong.

Then as I was holding Jenny I can remember my teacher telling us how to stop the bleeding on a cut. So I took my shirt off and tryed to stop the bleeding. I layed her down in the ditch. I told my dad to give me his shrit to keep her warm. After about 20mins the bleeding stopped. There was a little puddle that looked clear. So I cleaned up her foot and saw that it wasn't that bad. It would just hurt for a while. I took Jenny to the bath room. At first she would not go. I had to tell her this is the only way at the time. After we had all sat and got some rest we began to walk again. It was 4:30 at this point. I was kinda happy because the sun would be up soon. I just dont understand why know cars have come by. Where are we? Are we going the right way? Man I'm so hungry. I'm about to eat this grass. The cows do it how bad can it be. My mom and dad are a little bitt ahead talking. At least there not yelling anymore. My brother Jon is right in front of me holding Jenny. Soon it will be light. Thank God for light. It is now 5a.m. about 1 to 1 hr and a half to the sun comes up.

1 Hour Later:

The sun is playing on the horizon, but with it only comes more despair. As more light touches the Earth we can now see other people walking in these god forsaken woods. They all look to be in the same boat as us, siking to the bottom of the ocean in dark despair.

All around us people are walking but saying nothing. Some of the people are bleeding, and others are covered in blood that may not be theirs, in fact I'm pretty sure it is not. I try to speak but nothing will come out... maybe that's for the best. Even if I could speak what would I say? Besides it doesn't look like anyone would answer me.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see a man running towards my father, but it was too late to warn him. In the flash of an eye the man pulled a knife and stabbed my dad in the neck. Blood erupted from the wound like water from a hose on a hot summer day. The attacker quickly ran off for another group of people and stabbed a young child, no more than five years old. Before anybody could stop to think the man pulled a gun out of his pocket and shot himself.

"Dad", I screamed running to him. My mom stood speechless next to him, staring at the blood pouring out of his neck. He started gasping for breath but could no longer draw air. I did all that I could to save him but it was too late, two minutes later my daddy died.
posted by Rob Mallory @ 1:51 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The king of the whales is nowhere to be found!
Well, I finally went to my doctor appointment (although I fought Janae kicking and screaming). There is only one reason I hate going to the doctor office; I hate getting my blood drawn. Everytime I go there is an inept nurse who has to shove that needle into my arm (thus creating a whole 'nother hole in my arm) from 3 to 4 damned times. Well today, as I was prepared to pass out and come back puking into a kidney shaped bowl I was surprised to learn that this new nurse was done! She stuck me once, drew the blood and that was it. She is my new hero and I should wish to subscribe to her newsletter.

I am very upset with myself though; after not seeing the doctor for over a year I went back to learn that I have gained 2 pounds. Now that may not seem like much to some people, but when you are close to "whale status" like I am, every pound counts. I've got to get rid of those two (and a few more wouldn't hurt) before my next appointment in three months.

Anywho, today I also had a quick foot exam. The nurse sort of poked several places on the bottom of each foot with a piece of wire and asked if I could feel each poke. Thankfully I did, so for now my feet are still attached.

So I guess that's all I have for now.

NP: Dream Theater - Finally Free
posted by Rob Mallory @ 11:31 PM   0 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
(bootleg post) Rush - Power Windows Demo
A month back the Rush community were stunned to learn that a demo tape for 'Power Windows' existed, shortly thereafter the demo tunes were released. These are very interesting for 'PoW', and Rush fans alike. It is a rare glimpse into the the creative process of the band.

Thanks for the Castle of Rush (a great site for MP3 sourced Rush boots) blog for getting this up on rapidshare:

'Power Windows Demo'

NP: Spock's Beard - Devil's Got My Throat
posted by Rob Mallory @ 1:18 PM   0 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Robert Duane Mallory Jr. (Robbie), pt. 1
Robert Duane Mallory Jr.
Born: September 22nd, 2001

It seems like just yesterday that Robbie was born. I'll never forget the first moment when I held him in my arms. Janae was still in surgery and my mind was trying to convince me that she was dead because she was cut open (Robbie was a c-section baby). When the doctor put that kid in my arms I knew I would give my life to protect him. His eyes were still shut, but for the first time mine were open. I had always wanted to find some sort of meaning in my life, and with him I had it. Making my father proud of me was no longer as important as making sure that Robbie knows how proud of him I am.

This is Robbie just before his first birthday (Janae has always been good at making sure we have pictures taken professionally for each kids' birthday). One thing I'll never forget is that he always had his tongue out. We were actually concerned that maybe his tongue was too big and he couldn't fit it all in his mouth. As a result of this he always had a rash under his bottom lip, as you can tell. This is easily one of my very favorite pictures of Robbie. He still had long hair, something he has not had since it was first cut shortly after his first birthday. He was such a happy kid (again, something you can see here).

Robbie was a very busy kid, always on the go... unless there was something on the tv that intrigued him (JJ the Jetplane for example). He loved anything that would spin. It really didn't matter what the toy was as long as it had something that he could sit and continuously make spin. He would sit and use all four fingers to continue the spinning, moving his fingers towards himself, with a smile or a questioning look plastered on his face. That was our Robbie, a fun loving spinner. He was (and still is) my pride and joy.

I tried my best to spend as much time as possible playing with Robbie, and it was around his 2nd birthday that he developed a huge love of trains (or maybe it was Christmas that year, can't recall exactly). But he also loved to watch my use the computer. He would stand and just watch me play whatever game I was into at the time (at this time it was Roller Coaster Tycoon II). He loved watching the roller coasters and would impatiently wait for me to build the next big ride. He wasn't a huge attention getter, and would often play with whatever toy was currently holding his interest (not like Selena, who would prove to need constant attention). He was so full of energy, like a monkey bouncing of the walls, and we had to keep constant tabs on him. It was a full time job keeping this kid safe, and I think Janae and I did very well at doing just that.

One thing that Robbie has always loved, unlike any other kid I've ever known, is a nice nap. Even today he can still take a nap at a moments notice, oftentimes coming right home from school to catch some z's. In this picture he is curled up with his orange PB (Robbie speak for blankie), but usually he has this ugly blanket thing that my mom made for me long before Robbie was born. This thing is hideous, but he had to have it to sleep. There is a pink section that for some reason is the most important to Robbie, and he has to smell it before he'll go to sleep. Every now and then Janae will wash it against his wishes, because even though he insists it has some special scent held deep within' it's fabric that makes him happy, all we can smell is, well the exacty opposite of something that would make us happy.

His first sister, Selena Taylor Mallory, was born when Robbie was just 18 months old. At first he was really shy and stayed away from her. I don't know if it was because she scared him, or he was afraid of hurting her, but he mostly stayed away from his little sissy. It took some time but he has turned into a great big brother, and I am so proud of him for that.

Anyhow, that is my little boy. I'll have more to add to this, but for now I think you get a good idea about who he is. He is Robbie, and his daddy loves him very much!

NP: Rush - YYZ

posted by Rob Mallory @ 1:33 AM   1 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
The Wings of the Winged Wingless
So, how are you all? I have new wings, they grew in last night. They're still kind of itchy and still coming in, but I've got enough out of my back to life me off the floor a little. I can't remember what made me decide to get these things, but I'm glad I did. In a few days, after an immense amount of pain (hey, ya gotta take the bad to get the good) I'll be flying everywhere.

There is one downside, when you have wings you have to give up another feature of your body, so when they are fully in I will no longer have a uh... ahem... a sac. Still, small price to pay for wings.

So if you see me flying by you in the next couple of days wave goodbye because I'm far above you and much quicker.

The Flying Flyer of Flying Flights
posted by Rob Mallory @ 2:06 PM   1 comments
Album of the Day - Darwin's Radio: Eyes of the World
I mentioned recently that there were a lot of 2007 albums that I needed to spend more time with... well, I guess there are even more from 2006 that fall by the wayside. One of not is the album "Eyes of the World" from the band Darwin's Radio. Tonight I'm giving this one multiple listens, but only intended on one at first. I was so floored by how good this album was that I'm on my 3 play right now.

The disc kicks off in fine prog rock fasion with the nearly ten minute epic "Erase...Rewind". What we go here is a pretty hard rock driven tune with plenty of keyboard flourishes to compliment the sound that the band keep up with for the entire album. This tune is nothing short of incredible, and there is even a rather short keyboard run that really reminds me of the theme to the final fortress in the original Zelda. After the instrumental opening the song has a short piano interlude before the vocalist comes in. Vocalist Declan Burke (who also plays guitar) really fits with the music on this, and the rest of the album. I hear so many musical styles in here, from a very Genesis sounding part at around the 6 1/2 minute mark, to a very Flower Kings sort of style immediately following (not to mention some very rocking DT-esque interludes).

With an opening cut like "Erase...Rewind" one may assume that the rest of the disc goes downhill, but in my opinion the whole disc is an incredible piece of music from start to finish. The second cut, "Stronger", is a more straight-forward rock tune (with plenty of keys of course). There are some very Derek Sherinian-moments in this very cool song, which is held together by a pretty consistant bass lead. Once again the vocals are very fitting with the tune, and the chorus is a melodic monster in every sense of the term.

"Windows To Your Soul" is the first ballad on the album. It's a beautiful piece with mostly keys and drums, with some emotion drenched vocals from Declan. This song really shows the bands diversity, and actually flows nicely with the rest of the disc, while often-times the slower tune seems to drag the disc down (ie: Dream Theater - "Repentance").

The fourth track, "Glass Tiger's Eye" is another straight-forward rock tune, with a guitar lead that harkens back to the arena rock of yesterday. "Lapse of Sensation" is a very Marillion sounding prog tune, while "Eccentric Orbits" is a balls to the wall instrumental track that kicks my ass. "Amber Skies" is a gorgeous ballad that gives me goosebumps. One of the best ballads I have ever had the pleasure of listening to.

The album closes with the near 12 minute epic tune "The Vast Within". Like any good epic tune there is a bit of an intro section that eases people into the song, a very ballad-esque section, before stepping up the tempo only slightly by the 3 1/2 minute mark. After a brief guitar solo the song finally launches into the prog-fest I was really hoping it would be. Some great guitar/keyboard trade off's, and the rest of the song only gets better.

I don't know how this song missed my top of 2006 list, but I guess it's proof that things like top 10 lists can not be written in stone. I highly recommend this disc to any prog fan.
posted by Rob Mallory @ 12:11 AM   1 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
Bootleg: Aerosmith - Done Live With Mirrors
The first thing I thought when previewing this amazing 'Done With Mirrors' tour boot from Aerosmith was "Is this really a boot?" The sound quality is incredible. I have heard my fair share of soundboard shows, but this one seems almost too polished to be anything but an official release, but I can find no evidence supporting it, so I'm going with boot on this, but I'm still floored by that fact.

This show was recorded March 12, 1986, and rivals any of the bands official live releases. The show starts off with five of my favorite Aerosmith tunes, "Back In the Sadle", "Same Old Song And Dance", "Big Ten Inch Record" (with a smoking guitar solo from Perry), "My Fist Your Face" and "Last Child", and just these songs are worth the price of admission alone.

The band are really playing well this nice, and everything comes through beautifully (even the bass guitar, and oftentimes that is the instrument that is hardest to hear). The playing is tight and Tyler sounds just incredible as they rip their way through favorites such as "Sweet Emotion", "Dream On" and an absolutely stellar performance of "Train Kept A Rollin'". There are also quite a few new tunes in evidence tonight, "The Hop", "Sheila", "She's On Fire", and another one of my favorites "Let the Music Do the Talking". The only song missing, that I personally would have loved to hear from 'Mirrors' is "The Reason A Dog", otherwise this is an amazing find, and I hope to come across more like it.

I can't remember exactly where I tracked this one down at, but if anyone is interested in getting this, let me know and we'll work something out.

NP: Aerosmith - Some Old Song And Dance
posted by Rob Mallory @ 11:26 PM   0 comments
A Year In the Life of A Squishy Little Baby
It was January 12th of last year when my wife and I were trying to take a nap in our big comfy king sized bed. I may have been asleep when I noticed my wife breathing a bit harder than is normal. After a couple hours passed we decided to go to the hospital. After several hours of Janae's doctor insisting it was false labor he finally agreed it was time for a baby.

I can't remember the exact time Samantha was born, but I'll never forgot how the doctor let Janae hold her longer than he should have, it was great. With Robbie she was completely out, and with Selena it was a quick meeting before they took her back, so it was nice to see Janae spend a quick coupla minutes with the baby.

She was a great baby, and let us sleep a lot. Unfortunately that went out the door when, at 1 month old, she had to go back into the hospital for a bunch of health issues, one of which was RSV, something premature babies get. She was born like a week early, but she was really small (the smallest of all of our kids). Janae spent the entire time at the hospital (for which I will be eternally grateful to her), while I watched the monsters. In the end, she was fine and came back home to us, but I must admit it was the scariest time of my life.

Since then we have had the pleasure of watching Samantha grow, learn, develop her own personality, and I am very proud of who she is becoming. She is standing on her own now, walking with the aide of things around the house, talking (baby talk, which is so cute), and smiling more often than not. She is my Squishy Little Baby, and much like her big sister Selena (and their mother) she already has me wrapped around her tiny little baby fingers.

So to Samantha Lynn Mallory, Happy Birthday!
posted by Rob Mallory @ 10:32 PM   0 comments
Tonights Boot: Poison - June 26th, 2002 Columbus, Ohio
It's hard to believe how many years have passed since the so called "hair bands" were at the top of the charts. It used to be that you couldn't turn on the television or radio without hearing a band that actually had talent. Now you turn on the radio and it's the same rehashed samples with whatever new annoying vocals are tossed on top of them.

Back in the day (a Wednesday according to Mr. Dane Cook) Poison were the best thing in music. Their songs were fun, creative, and I dare any of you from this era to say you don't remember a beautiful CC Deville guitar solo (the man was/is a genious!). Fast forward to 2002, the band have just released their 'Hollyweird' album, and much of the disc rivals anything from the first 3 Poison discs.

On June 26th of that year the band played to a fired up crowd in Columbus Ohio, and listening to this show really takes me back to the glory years of Poison, when they were the darlings of MTV. This show is what you would expect from the band, great music, and nothing but a good effing time!

They play mostly material that was on the 'Swallow This - Live' disc, like the enchanting "Something for Nothing", "Look What the Cat Dragged In", the anthemic "Ride the Wind", and of course the beautiful ballad "Every Rose Had It's Thorn". Throughout it all the band are in fine form and the audience is eating it up.

There aren't a whole lot of tunes from 'Hollyweird' in the set, technically just one, the CC fronted "The Emperor's New Clothes", which is a shame. There are a lot of good tunes on the album, like the title track, and the obvious hit "Shooting Star" (at least in a perfect world).

The sound of this boot is far from perfect, but every member of the band comes through (though Bobby is a bit low in the mix), and this one is very listenable.

To get this, and many other great Poison boots, sign up at the Poison Bootleg Forum. I'll see you there, where I am getting several other great shows!

NP: Poison - Your Mama Don't Dance
posted by Rob Mallory @ 10:22 PM   0 comments
I Updated the Updatable
So for now I am caught up on pulling all of my old posts from a previous blog and posting them here. Thanks to an option blogger gives me, I was able to have each post placed at the right date and time, so that you can see what I was thinking and typing when they actually happened.

So, how are you all anyhow. This year is a week in, and only one week to go until Samantha's birthday. The party will be at our house and should be fun (can't wait to see my squishy little baby all covered in cake, so cute).

New Years was fun. We went to Jeff and Jami's and played games. There was no alcohol involved, which is good since I don't drink or cohol an al if you know what I mean. I was being pissy for some stupid reason at the end of it, but I still enjoyed a quick kiss with my wife to ring in 2008. The kids both had fun for the most part, although the bigger kids were being mean to Robbie for some reason, which was actually pissing me off.

The weather is heating up around here. It's January, yet we were pushing 50 degrees yesterday, I believe. Kinda scary. I'm almost waiting for Al Gore to appear out of nowhere and begin flying his paper airplanes of I told you so's right at my head (and let's be honest with ourselves here kiddies, nobody likes paper airplanes of I told you so's... or Al Gore for that matter).

Speaking of ruffles, gas is almost up to $3 a gallon here in Council Bluffs, Iowa. I'd hate to see what it would take to fill my gas tank in higher populated cities like LA or TJ's Momma!

Anyhow, it's getting late here, so I'm gonna bid you all fuckin' adieu

NP: Frank Zappa - The Gumbo Variations
posted by Rob Mallory @ 4:34 AM   0 comments
Top 10 of 2007
2007 was a great year for music. There were so many albums that I really liked that I found it hard to really devote much time to everything that deserved more spins. The main contributor to that being the new Rush, Dream Theater, & Coheed discs. It seems these 3 received more plays than anything else. There are also some albums that I didn't spend much time with at all (Ozzy, Foo Fighters, Melanie C., just to name a few) that I'm going to do my best to return to in the coming days. Until then though, here are my top 10 favorite albums of 2007:

10: Thought Chamber - Angular Perceptions

This is a prog-metal fans dream. An album filled with scorching guitars, incredible keyboard lines, and the vocals of none other than Enchant lead vocalist Ted Leonard. This is one of the albums that I definitely need to spend a lot more time on because it just smokes.

Top 2: "Sacred Treasure", and "Transmigration of Souls"

09: Pain of Salvation - Scarsick

I'll admit that this one took me a few listens, it's very different from the album that got me into the band 'BE', however it eventually clicked. This is another fine prog album, very moody and dark in places, but full on rock in others. I'm really falling in love with Daniel's voice, and expect to check out their back catalogue this year.

Top 2: "Cribcaged", and "Kingdom of Loss"

08: Poison - Poison'd

Poison are not new to covers, in fact I believe most of their albums have at least one cover, so it comes as no surprise that glam metal kings rewarded their fans with this nice collection of cover tunes. The band pay tribute to acts like Bowie and Petty, just to name a few. With only 8 new covers, some previously released covers were tacked on to the end of the disc.

Top 2: "I Need To Know", and "Just What I Needed"

07: The Flower Kings - The Sum of No Evil

Roine and company are back with another beautiful progressive album. Once again they treat their fans to their jamband like instrumental passages, and beautiful melodies, not to mention the vocals which send shivers down my spine. Another solid release from this great band.

Top 2: "One More Time", and "The Sum of No Reason"

06: Porcupine Tree - Fear of A Blank Planet

If it weren't for new music from my top favorite bands this would be my #1 of 2007. I admit that I really haven't listened to many of the bands albums before this, and that this one got so much play because Alex Lifeson guest stars, but I just love this disc from start to finish. Such a diverse prog-rock album here that it reveals itself more upon each listen.

Top 2: "Fear of a Blank Planet", and "Anesthetize"

05: Dream Theater - Falling Into Infinity Demos

I've always loved the official release of 'Falling Into Infinity', but the demos version completely trumps it. This is how Mike Portnoy saw the album as being, and this is how it should have been. Before all of the label demands, and guest writers, this album was a more proggy affair, and far more pleasing. With this release we also get all of the songs that had to be cut to make the official a 1 disc release.

Top 2: "Raise the Knife", and "The Way It Used To Be"

04: Neal Morse - Sola Scriptura

Neal teams up once again with Randy George and Mike Portnoy to craft yet another excellent epic concept prog rock masterpiece. With only 4 songs to choose from this has to be one of the best concept albums I've heard in sometime. Start to finish I am thoroughly impressed with where the trio has gone this time around.

Top 2: "The Door", and "The Conflict"

03: Coheed & Cambria - No World for Tomorrow

2007 saw the end of the Coheed and Cambria storyline, and they went out in a great fashion. This may not be my favorite Coheed album to date, but it is a great album from start to finish. The band are on fire, and Claudio is sounding excellent the entire duration. The only let down for me was the let down that is "The Fall of House Atlantic", otherwise, solid release!

Top 2: "Feathers", and "The End Complete"

02: Dream Theater - Systematic Chaos

I should stop being surprised everytime DT outdo themselves. I never thought they would one-up 'Octavarium', but 'Systematic Chaos' is an amazing album. There is plenty of pure all out metal on this one, but with the prog sound that this band has perfected. The album is sandwiched with easily my favorite Dream Theater song to date. "Repentenance" is a bit boring to me, but that is the only track I don't absolutely adore.

Top 2: "In the Presence of Enemies", and "Ministry of Lost Souls"
01: Rush - Snakes & Arrows

Where do I begin? This is the album that I have been waiting for from Rush. If I had to compare it to another album I would say it's an amazing mix of 'Presto' and 'Counterparts', two of my favorite Rush albums. The boys have really outdone themselves this time with a collection of 13 songs that rival the best of Rush. There is not a dull moment on the entire disc for me (though 1 song did take some getting used to: "The Larger Bowl"). I loved 'Vapor Trails', but 'Snakes' for me, is easily one of my favorite all time Rush albums, and the album I knew they had in them (and let's not forget: guitar solo's are back!)

Top 2: "Bravest Face", and "Malignant Narcissism"

NP: Neal Morse - The Door

posted by Rob Mallory @ 3:32 AM   0 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
...kiss of death
I got me one of them danged ol' headaches in my tummy tum tum. It's not my favorite thing and if it would just go away I would probaby be pleased with that fact.

So this weekend I was on a mission: get some new good quality live shows. Got quite a few Pink Floyd shows to check out, a couple Kiss ones, a Head East (!!!) show, an Aerosmith, and a few other tasty little gems I'm going to be checking out throughout the course of this week. During my searches I found quite a few quality sites that I bookmarked for much future use. I even found a message board with so many Poison boots that Jeff is going to be very pleased when I start downloading the hell out of what their members have to offer.

Anyhow, up now is a very nice sounding show from the Kiss 'Revenge' tour. Now I'm not saying that seeing the original members get back together in '96 wasn't a nice treat, but the 'Revenge' line-up should have stayed together. There is no denying that this version of the band had more talent than any other (well, the Eric Carr era was right on par with them actually). This boot is showing the boys in fine form as they rip through much 'Revenge' material and... well, pretty much 'Alive III', but with "Firehouse", "I Want You", "Cold Gin", the 80's gem "Tears Are Falling", "Hotter Than Hell" (!!!), "Parasite" and "Christine Sixteen" tossed in for good damned times. And I could be wrong, but I don't think "War Machine" is on 'III' either, so this is a true Kiss gem.

More to come when I get to the next boot.

NP: Kiss - Watching You
posted by Rob Mallory @ 10:12 PM   1 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Rush - Tuning Man: 5/30/1976 (mp3)
From time to time I'm going to toss up a bootleg onto rapidshare that I really like. This is from the only known true '2112' tour show from the band Rush. I recommend this to all Rush fans, but if you have plenty of speed and bandwidth I would search out a better quality than these MP3s. Enjoy mein froindes.

Bastille Day 5:04
Anthem 4:47
Lakeside Park 4:12
2112 15:29
Fly By Night / In the Mood 4:53
By-Tor and the Snow Dog 11:22
In the End 7:12
Working Man, Finding My Way, Drum Solo 13:26
What You're Doing 5:26


NP: Rush - Hemispheres
posted by Rob Mallory @ 11:49 PM   0 comments
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Name: Rob Mallory
Home: Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States
About Me: I'm nothing special to most of the world, but to my wife & kids I am everything... and that is good enough for me.
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